Where is my sock. I love my ugly lounge boots and all but it somehow eats up (LOL) my socks when I take them off (Rule #1).
This week I went to french camp at Camp Assiniboia, about an hour's drive away from the city. It is a nice, quaint little lounge cabin with little cabin houses around

it, horses stable and zip lining course by the riverside. Although the zip-line wasn't accessible because of this year's high river flooding, we had a horseback riding activity while the sun sets and must I say how disappointed I am to not have brought a camera (Rule #2). The woods was so calming during the ride, especially seeing the bare branches with tiny speckles of frost on them. At night we had a bonfire and watched what else- Harry Potter!- though I did nap about three times during the movie's course as it's hard to watch it in French..
Meet my friend Bri, and our horses in the back- Taco and Roxy!
This is one of the many crazy contraptions the camp offers not far from the main cabin. It's a plank of wood supported by one piece of pipe I guess, and the main goal is to make it balance. So much fun but definitely hard to balance!

Did i mention our activity guy was wearing a crocodile costume complete with a head? Yeah, he was.

You may be wondering why I'm posting a picture of my ugggggly boots, and without an outfit photo at that on this blog but then again, it is called
What Mae Wears, not what Mae pretends to wear to seem like she dresses nicely all the time. LOL and besides, accidentally stepping on horse manure at the stables, burnt sticky marshmallow on the groud and goodness knows what else won't be so pretty on my leather knee highs.
Nail polish pen in Silver by Sally HansenOh and here are my metallic nails inspired by
this post by Breanne on nail wraps.. So pretty! I love it to bits and it looks even better with gold accesories!