Happy holidays lovelies!! How's Christmas? While this isn't a Christmas post on what I wore......
I did cave in and upgraded my phone to the iPhone 4s a little while back and I haven't put it down ever since. I got it in whote with a baby blue casing- i know, so winter wonderland theme lol but I've never had a phone plan with data so better expect a huge increase in these blog posts.
I'm no expert in doing reviews but I do enjoy the camera quite a bit. If you follow me on twitter you'd know I had already posted a lot from my phone. Such amazing quality I love it!!
Also, I have made an instagram so follow if you have one and I'll get back to you.
Twitter and Instagram: @maesant0s
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Ho ho holidays
Haha, sorry for the lame title. But on a lighter note, I AM ON HOLIDAYS YAY!! Finally, Christmas is coming around and I am so pumped. Although, still no sign of heavy snowfall it's quite a sigh of relief for everyone who had to shovel their driveways last year to go out for Christmas.

As I bid you adieu for your own holiday celebrations, I wanna share these photos and I hope y'all have an amazing time with our friends and family.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Baby it's cold outside
I was never a winter baby. I loved seeing the white frosted trees and all but those moments when you slipped on ice in public will never be forgotten. However, I do love winter layers.
My love for winter gear has always been there, especially now. Considering our gorgeous weather here in 'Peg in mid-December, I am honestly wishing for a white Christmas. You know, like knee high snow you can barely stand outside for five minutes.. I kid, I kid.
But nonetheless, here is my winter wishlist, consisting of what else? Winter accessories to keep me toasty warm! All of the items are from Forever21; I found them online but I haven't checked the store if they have the items in stock.
all accessories from forever21
I want all of these items but I think I might wait till after Christmas to go shopping again. Mmm can't wait for the holidays!!
My love for winter gear has always been there, especially now. Considering our gorgeous weather here in 'Peg in mid-December, I am honestly wishing for a white Christmas. You know, like knee high snow you can barely stand outside for five minutes.. I kid, I kid.
But nonetheless, here is my winter wishlist, consisting of what else? Winter accessories to keep me toasty warm! All of the items are from Forever21; I found them online but I haven't checked the store if they have the items in stock.

I want all of these items but I think I might wait till after Christmas to go shopping again. Mmm can't wait for the holidays!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
90s Baby

For any reason I don't know, my school has given us a glorious 4-day weekend a week before winter break. I made plans to go Christmas shopping with my friends, get our Santa photos taken at the mall (It's funner than you remember!) and hang out like I'm not loaded with work and homework this weekend. I didn't realize I had to babysit so I had to cancel plans boo.

Running around chasing our 2 y/o sister is like mission impossible so I decided to dress comfy. I pulled out my mom's old Guess pullover from the 90's I'm guessing. Does anyone else remember when the brand's logo was way less sparkly? I love it to bits and I paired it with a pair of tweed high waisted shorts I recently got.

I'm also feeling the holiday spirit so much! I'm crazy for everything sparkly nowadays and I'm loving nail polish more in sparkly shades and with excessive glitter. Also, I went out for a bit after babysitting and got a new pair of nordic print mitts that I'll show you soon. Makes me so excited to go ice skating very soon!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Within a Week 3
So i got my lazy ass up and decided to show you what last week's outfits has been like!
I can't even describe how crazy November has been for me. I mean seriously, a whole month without blogging.. without a legitimate vacation excuse for that either! Busy would be underestimating it.. You're probably like, "Well aren't you 16? I don't remember being busy at 16 except go to parties.."

I'm pretty sure I'm quite known as school as the girl who wears shorts in the winter (LOL) Ask around and I do wear quite a bit of these outfits, really comfy but no the best when it's below 0 out! Boooo winter weather but i love the look of snow!
Something like that haha. I do enjoy parties as much as the next person but I do a lot of extra activities outside of school and a part time job, like being a tutor, volunteer teacher etc! Now that I've shared my life besides this blog, I do have a social life!
And here you go, meet my friend Melissa! Her style is quite similar to mine, as she says. The kind of girl you'd be embarrassed to sit with beside Pre-Cal just 'cause you're not dressed up and she comes to class in a nude blazer with a stripe shirt in the prettiest olive color. As much as I want to raid her closet, we are cooking up a collaboration I hope will launch quite soon!

gifted dress, f21 belt
PS, sorry for the phone pictures but I know I've mentioned about my dead camera :( I'm just crossing my fingers for a new one this Christmas!!
PS, sorry for the phone pictures but I know I've mentioned about my dead camera :( I'm just crossing my fingers for a new one this Christmas!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hiatus mode
So i'm going all out on this undecided hiatus mode and I have a million and one little stories to share! I promise to be back as soon as I either get an iphone and update via Instagram (!!!!!) or get me a new cam, rip to my loyal trusty one :( But I do promise a very great collaboration!
Till the lemon drops
Till the lemon drops
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What's on my mind
- Mixed feelings about this cold weather.
- Can't find nice navy coat.
- Working every weekend = no social life boo.
- Most boring blogger award for me.
- Schedule is too packed.
- I barely make sense nowadays.
- On the bright side, long weekend!!
- Why am I even writing in point form...
old sweater, rings c/o Regine and adrene's, f21 belt
Cheers to the freaking weekend!
Well almost. xoxo
Cheers to the freaking weekend!
Well almost. xoxo
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Où est ma chaussette
This week I went to french camp at Camp Assiniboia, about an hour's drive away from the city. It is a nice, quaint little lounge cabin with little cabin houses around
This is one of the many crazy contraptions the camp offers not far from the main cabin. It's a plank of wood supported by one piece of pipe I guess, and the main goal is to make it balance. So much fun but definitely hard to balance!
You may be wondering why I'm posting a picture of my ugggggly boots, and without an outfit photo at that on this blog but then again, it is called What Mae Wears, not what Mae pretends to wear to seem like she dresses nicely all the time. LOL and besides, accidentally stepping on horse manure at the stables, burnt sticky marshmallow on the groud and goodness knows what else won't be so pretty on my leather knee highs.
Oh and here are my metallic nails inspired by this post by Breanne on nail wraps.. So pretty! I love it to bits and it looks even better with gold accesories!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Within a Week 2
I really am biting more than I can chew. It is so difficult to transition between lazy nothing to do months then a full schedule. I still am under the weather because of school and this has been taking a toll on this blog ): Ok well instead of ranting of what can go on forever, here are some snaps of my week!

brown ruffle cape from the gap, scarf from wetseal, random accesories
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
As much as i want to deny it, winter weather is coming close. Like really close. While some of you down south is still enjoying the bliss of bare legs, I have to deal with pants. And waffle long sleeves. And ugly smelly worn in boots.
I also wear leggings and tights with shorts but the cold weather has hit me by surprise so quickly I lose the need to dress-up. I have been pressing the snooze button on my phone more than usual now- as in i have been waking up an hour later than i should be for this past week- it feels so good to sleep under a huge comforter when its freezing out!
Nonetheless, I hope this rut comes to an end soon as I still have new pieces to debut!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Honour Roll
I think that I always start off my posts with " I'm sorry for being bad an not updating so much. " To be honest, I never thought how much work running a blog csan be. You make one post then next thing you know, it's been a week since your last. And oh the pressure to make up good decent outfits!! And finally, the envy of looking into other's blogs and seeing their gorgeous clothes. Mmm i can do with one of their closets.
Now that I've let out my guilt, I share with you a dress i got from Frorever21 from my summer trip. I wore this to my school's honour roll night- YAY! and to a family dinner to pasta and pizza after.
I've been feeling the fall weather creeping in and I just love mixing mustard and red together! What are your favorite fall colour combos? I'd love some new inspiration!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Within a Week 2

Two days' worth of outfits and a bunch of random photos from the week. I can't really say anything yet except how I excited I am for this coming four-day weekend. YAY! School's been really getting the best of me and teachers somehow manage to squeeze in tests in between huge projects.
Well i should cut this short so take a look at my week!

Well i should cut this short so take a look at my week!

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