Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Honour Roll

I think that I always start off my posts with " I'm sorry for being bad an not updating so much. " To be honest, I never thought how much work running a blog csan be. You make one post then next thing you know, it's been a week since your last. And oh the pressure to make up good decent outfits!! And finally, the envy of looking into other's blogs and seeing their gorgeous clothes. Mmm i can do with one of their closets.

Now that I've let out my guilt, I share with you a dress i got from Frorever21 from my summer trip. I wore this to my school's honour roll night- YAY! and to a family dinner to pasta and pizza after.

I've been feeling the fall weather creeping in and I just love mixing mustard and red together! What are your favorite fall colour combos? I'd love some new inspiration!

forever21 dress, belt and mixage blazer, gifted purse


  1. Your skirt is the dreamiest shade of yellow! <3 it looks oh-so wonderful on you!

    Lost in the Haze

  2. Thank you Jo and Phoebe! I really love the mustard tones in the fall!


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