Monday, July 4, 2011

No one else comes close

Sorry for the outfit delay. And the haul delay, as previously mentioned in my last post. I have been quite a busy bee running errands to babysitting to just being plain lazy in the midst of the heat. I think this year is definitely hotter than the last and frankly, it's not fun. It's not even the get a tan kind of hot but the not wind and pure humid kind. Then you feel all icky sticky after, not cute.

I don't have the greatest photos for y'all today but I did want to share the lovely sheer chiffon button down I found in my mom's closet. I have been searching forever for a sheer shirts as seen on some bloggers on the web and who knew I'd find it in my mom's own closet? Coincidence or what? Next up is the shorts I had thrifted sometimes last week. And yes, it will be in my shopping haul post (coming up!) and they're a great steal, verstatile and super adorable. The polka print is just a cute bonus!

mom's shirt, thrifted shorts, old everything else

I know this is short but I have an insomnia ish problem in the summer where I just stay up all night and sleep in the afternoon so tata for now, gonna catch up on some sleep LOL


  1. Thank-you for the comment my lovely,
    I love your blog too, and your shoes in this post are adorable xx


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