As much as i want to deny it, winter weather is coming close. Like really close. While some of you down south is still enjoying the bliss of bare legs, I have to deal with pants. And waffle long sleeves. And ugly smelly worn in boots.

I also wear leggings and tights with shorts but the cold weather has hit me by surprise so quickly I lose the need to dress-up. I have been pressing the snooze button on my phone more than usual now- as in i have been waking up an hour later than i should be for this past week- it feels so good to sleep under a huge comforter when its freezing out!

I love the way I layered this pure lace collared shirt under the striped green croptop. I actually have been gravitating towards more military green and dark teals hues nowadays, and leopard!
Nonetheless, I hope this rut comes to an end soon as I still have new pieces to debut!

Also, a little Mae fact: I am greatly obsessed with anything Eiffel tower slash Paris related! I collect everything with the Eiffel on it, though Ive never been to Paris. Need to save up for it still...